Seligenstadt Abbey
In Seligenstadt Abbey, monks lived according to Benedictine rules for almost 1000 years. Today, the abbey with its venerable buildings and magnificent garden once again presents itself as a Baroque ensemble and provides an impressive insight into monastic life in the 17th and 18th centuries.
At a glance
Opening Hours
Klosterhof 2
63500 Seligenstadt
Abbey garden is freely accessible
Next event
03/08, 13:00–15:00 – Historische Baustelle - Arbeiten mit Ton
A visit to the former Benedictine Abbey of Seligenstadt provides an impressive insight into monastic life according to the Rule of Saint Benedict of Nursia (c. 480-547). In the 66th of a total of 73 chapters, it says: „The monastery should, if possible, be laid out in such a way that everything necessary, namely water, mill and garden, is located within the monastery and the various kinds of craft can be practised there. Thus the monks need not wander about outside, for that is not good for them at all.“ Thus the Benedictine abbey founded in 828 by Einhard, Charlemagne‘s advisor, functioned like a city within a city until its dissolution in 1803.

Foto: Michael Leukel, 2017
Display Rooms of the Prelature
A tour of the display rooms, especially the prelature, reveals just how well Seligenstadt Abbey was run in the 18th century.
Current Events & Bookable Offerings
Meetings, Celebrations & Weddings
You would like to get married, celebrate or hold a meeting in the monastery – discover together with your family, friends or business partners the special charm of the former Benedictine abbey of Seligenstadt, picturesquely situated on the Main river.
Abbey Café
Förderkreis Lichtblick e.V.
Tel.: +49 (0)6182 898360

Foto: SG