Photography & Filming Permissions
General Information
The production of photo, film and television recordings for commercial use is subject to approval throughout the property, whether in a building or in the park/garden, and a fee must be paid. The fee is based on the type, purpose and extent of the filming or photography. Each request will be examined and decided on a case-by-case basis.
Photographs and films for private, non-commercial purposes, e.g. as souvenir photos or for posting on private social media accounts, preferably with the hashtag #schloesserundgaertenhessen, are possible without permission, provided that no conservation, trademark or organisational concerns speak against this. Further commercial use of the photo or film material is expressly not permitted.
Wedding shoots
Wedding shoots are unfortunately not possible in the interior rooms of the sights. In other respects, the rules for photo and film shoots apply.
Use of drones or multicopters
As a matter of principle, aerial photographs taken over the properties of the State Castles and Gardens of Hesse require permission. This also applies if remote-controlled drones, multicopters or similar are used for filming or photography. Only in a few justified exceptional cases and only under certain conditions can the recording with such flying devices be approved. The use leads to an increased risk to persons and heritage objects, to a possible infringement of rights and to a disturbance of the cultural and natural monument.
Apply for Permission
Please apply for permission to take photos and film in good time before the planned date of recording using this contact form.
The fields marked with * are mandatory fields that must be filled in so that the form can be sent.
Questions & Contact
Should you have any further questions, please refer to our guidelines or feel free to contact us by e-mail: